IssueLab: Staying on Top of Trends in the Nonprofit Sector
IssueLab is a free Foundation Center product that gives you full access to studies and papers generated by foundation-funded research. It has nearly 21,000 items on social issues of worldwide interest from nearly 6000 organizations. Once you put in your search terms and get results, you can order your results by relevance or by date. You can also narrow results by geography and language. Issues range from those in the social services fields to philanthropy management, like collaboration and risk.
Among all these issues, the Foundation Center picked several for treatment in Special Collections, a group of topics like the Affordable Care Act, gun violence, immigration, veterans, funding capacity, race and policing and more. Within each of these topics, you can search by keyword or pre-selected categories, or browse featured items.
You can use IssueLab and get full text studies for free without registration, but people who register (also for free) have some other options. You can have items of interest automatically sent to you each week. You can also create your own library of online documents of special interest to you, and create and share a library of resources and add documents to it (knowledge center). IssueLab is a resource that can make your information gathering much easier.