Grant Resource Center
The following resource set is designed to assist you with searching for grant opportunities and writing grants that are more likely to be funded.
If you need further assistance or have any questions about grant writing or the materials resourced here, please contact The Center at (419) 241-9513.

The best grant finding resource in the area is at Main Library in downtown Toledo. Toledo-Lucas County Public Library hosts a large database of grant opportunities through the Foundation Directory Online. Contact Zach Huber in Business and Technology to set up an appointment to use the database at [email protected]. He will get you started on your search. And bring a flash drive along to save your searches for later use.
Grant Writing Resources
- Books on Grant Writing
- Finding Funding Opportunities
- Preparing to Write the Grant Proposal
- Writing the Grant Proposal
Tools for Grant Writers
For Online Grant Proposal Key Word Optimization – Funders are putting grant applications online and are utilizing software to detect keywords in your proposal. Grants that do not have the keywords they are seeking will not be put forward for further review. Maximize your funding chances by better understanding Search Engine Optimization/Keyword Optimization.
University of Kansas Office of Research –
Google Ads –
Key Word Eye –
How to Use AI Ethically and Effectively for Grant Writing Workshop Recording –
Grant Funding Resources
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (now SAM.GOV)– Listing of all federal aid and funding. Updated twice a year. Provides a full listing of all federal programs available to State and local governments, federally recognized Indian-tribal governments, Territories of the United States, domestic public, quasi-public, and private profit and nonprofit organizations and institutions, specialized groups, and individuals.
Federal Register – Listing of federal regulations and grant announcements, updated daily.
Firstgov for Nonprofits – Information on federal assistance available to nonprofits, links to legal information, laws on fundraising and outreach, links to federal agency websites that provide grants to nonprofits.
Fundsnet – List of Foundation websites by subject.
Governor’s Office of Faith Based & Community Initiatives – Funding and training available to faith-based and community-based groups in Ohio. – Recently announced grant opportunities.
Join Together – Created by Join Together, an organization dealing with substance abuse. See their resources area for funding opportunities.
National Endowment for the Arts – Federal grants in the fine arts.
Ohio Arts Council – Outlines their funding programs in the state for both individuals and organizations.
Grant Source– An online publication of state and federal grants offering links to useful grant sites.
Philanthropy News Network Online – Listing of news on the nonprofit sector, including gifts and grants. Announcements are found by clicking “general fundraising”.
School Grants – Grant opportunities, grant writing tips and sample proposals for schools K-12.
The Foundation Center – Provides resources for connecting nonprofits and grant makers.
GrantSpace – Provides easy-to-use, self-service tools and resources to help nonprofits.
Collaboration – Key Characteristics of a Successful Partnership
Collaboration – Collaborative Work Plan Worksheet
Non-grant Sources of Funds
Many nonprofits are familiar with the grantseeking process, but at times a loan from a financial institution is the wiser step. A loan provides cash for many needs including evening out cash flow, taking advantage of an opportunity to expand, capital purchases, consolidating debt or even starting up your nonprofit business. This article entitled Using Loans: A 101 Guide to Borrowing for Nonprofit Organizations by The Nonprofit Assistance Fund appeared in The Nonprofit Quarterly and offers some sound advice for nonprofit loan seekers.